The National Council of Priests is an Australia wide organisation of Catholic Clergy (Bishops, Priests, Deacons) and Associate Members (Lay, Religious and Seminarians) – who join together to support each other in their ministry in the Church.

Founded in 1970 in the Spirit of Vatican II, the NCP is committed to the fraternity and further education of clergy and to representing all clergy in the public forum.

The NCP is acknowledged by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference.

As an organisation, it is your needs we serve and your interests we seek to represent.  The strength of our organisation and our ability to continue advocating for the needs of Australian clergy greatly depends on our capacity to maintain and grow our membership base from year to year.


To view a ‘live’ calendar for the latest updates on upcoming events click the button below.

DATE CHANGE – Golden Jubilee of the First NCP Convention

Because of the impact COVID-19 has had both nationally and internationally over the past two years, our celebration convention, which was to be held in September 2021, was postponed.

This decision was not made lightly, and we believe it is a decision made in everyone’s best interest – delegates and presenters alike.

We are hoping a gathering will be held in 2023 and we will let you know as soon as arrangements have been finalised.

We will just have to wait a bit longer to come together to celebrate all things NCP!

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